| 20:02
Motion Sickness; vomiting while travelling
The following are the tips from preventing the disease occurs from sweat:
– Take bath everyday and use ‘fitkiri’ under the arms for more than 2 minutes and take a bath with good and perfumed soap.
– Use the leaves of Neem and boil water use it. Use that boiled water while taking bath in summer season. Also use lemon and dettol in water while bathing.
– Use powders before wearing shoes.
– Never make the clothes in small size because sweat smells bad in summer season. Use sunlight to prevent from smell.
– Daily use of perfumes and body wash products.
– Never use makeup materials in summer season.
– Use “Malmal Kapada” for removing sweat from body.
The followings are the tips from preventing different allergy from sunlight:
– Use body lotion and sun skin Cream while visiting outside in summer season after consulting doctors.
– Use mask and sun glasses.
– Use neat and clean handkerchief for making face clean.
– Use an umbrella protect from sun light.