Friday 25 March 2016

photography with his BIOGRAPHY

Photo journalism for three decades Mean Bajracharya, 47, the photo exhibition has been held in the capital recently. The first Ganesh Gold Medal, the first Babuchhiri photo journalism puraskaralagayata received various honors mean to carry the camera still pursuing the encounter with smarter.

Katiaum it on your photo exhibition?
As I have conducted many mass garisakem exhibition. If tennis is my fourth exhibition.

The purpose of the exhibition?
Its original purpose is to promote domestic tourism. The exhibition of Kathmandu, Patan, Bhaktapur Durbar Square aerial view with the East Ilam, pamcatharadekhi Tharu of Bardiya was kept picture janajivanasammaka 77.

Photo connoisseurs and the most liked photo did react, what is?
Many of the photo is captured by helicopter mean to walk away even if the sky had gone to fly. Many of the same photo frame views Lukla eyaraportadekhi sagaramathasamma liked me.

Such is the photo?
Photo simple eyes could not see the angle at once, and it was added to the frame, the icing.

What is the image you like it?
Many viewers took it that is why, I also liked the photo exhibition Lukla. But, so far khicekamadhye BS 046 Khula hand drawn stick Apparently photo
Extraordinary love. The photo he is seen lauhapurusajastai.

What are you caught the first photo?
But that does not remember what the first printed photographs photocahim know. BS 044 Padma Thakurathi throwing shot was brought in handcuffs godson prison. The photo was published by the English-language magazine kamanara.

Bitaisaknubhayo long time in photography. Is not it time to take rest now?
Government job and take rest? Camera photography is carried rangasamga nature is to be contained. With the life of the body continues until the last minute.

Published: April 12, 2072
