| 09:04
Buffalo fights back a lion.
33 year old Niemann said, ‘There in the road were two male lions. We were crazy with excitement. We saw the buffalo the same moment the lions smelled him. The buffalo was standing right next to the road, but didn’t try to cross it. He was slowly making his way to a watering hole, totally unaware of the lions. Then the lions pounced. One dug its claws into the buffalo’s rump – which caused it to rush into the bushes. We tried to see what was happening and then the buffalo came out of the bush, dragging the lion clinging to his behind. But the buffalo was not going to go down without a fight. The lion in front of the buffalo was calculating when and where to strike, but unfortunately miscalculated.
He leaped forward, but the buffalo dropped his head low and, as the lion connected with the buffalo, scooped him up with his horns and threw him over his shoulder onto the ground like a bag of potatoes. His horn left the lion with a gaping wound on his inner thigh, although the other lion was still hanging on – literally’
The buffalo turned towards the road in one last ditch after running out of energy. It was making an effort to lose the stubborn cat and escape with its life.