Friday 15 April 2016

5 Health Counsel that completely changes your Life

Life becomes problematic as soon as problem is seen in health. But, the healthy life will give an easy and happy life. Giving an attention in little-little things will give healthy life, which plays vital role in physical and mental fitness.
You can be an example to your whole family, friends and society. Bring change in little-little things,you yourself will see the differences.
Here are 5 health counsel that changes your life;
1. Continue Walk
Physical fitness requires various practices. However, no practice is good than the jogging. Make habit of jogging even for a short distance in daily manner. Your body will gets lots of benefits even from a jogging of 10 minutes in a day. Can walk around the house corridor and roof, if the time is not favorable for out jogging.
2. Drink Plenty of Water
Water plays an important role in healthier life. Dehydration may occur with lack of water. Plenty supply of water gives a healthy digestion function and conduct of different body parts.
Water helps to release the toxins of body. Fruits juice is also very beneficial for health. Water is very important component for healthy life.
3. Fresh Air and Sun
The jogging in sun is very beneficial for health. Vitamin D is created in your skin with the jogging in sun. Vitamin D is very necessary for production of calcium in body.It strong out the bones and skeleton structure of body.
Lack of Vitamin D increases r!$k of some kind of cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and many other health disorder. Yogurt, ghee are also a source of Vitamin D.
4. Rest and Sleep
Good sleep is very important part for healthy life. Enough sleep and rest only can provide energy to stressful life. Not enough sleep only increases fatigue, stress and tension.
The memory power to decision making capacity gets disturbed with the not enough sleep. So, pay proper attention to rest and sleep.
5. Natural Food Habit
Lately, the practice of fast food and packaging food have increased. This type of food is not regarded good for health. Most of the packaged food called as junk food and fast food contains the harmful matter for health.
Should always include high amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in food. Excessive ho**t and sweet food are harmful for health.
Fresh vegetables,walnut, chestnut and dried papaya are very beneficial for health. Similarly, should give an attention to body wash and hygiene.
