Tuesday 15 March 2016

The earthquake suffered khepiraheki grant money to open a bank account

Dolakha, 2 April. 75-year-old Tamang cinimaya stay in shelters after the earthquake suffered khepiraheki grant money to open a bank account for linakai uthaunuparyo another trouble.Branchless banking center on the second day she had only to open an account. National reconstruction and distribution of authority for the grant amount as the next patayaralagdo to stay in line. Laduka 4 of her husband, who came instead of his ill Phoolman. 'Account open so that disdain, to make money to take home to be avoided and,' he was saying.

Residents of about half a dozen in the market to take business feature bhukampapiditaharu banking service centers are queued. National Commercial Bank and Nepal Investment Bank's service centers only account can be opened daily from 30 to 40 persons. "Finally, two days after the account has been open to having turn, 'Investment Bank, according to the center line and found cilankhaka Bahadur GC said .And two days spent in the hotel, about two thousand rupees. The Tahseen staff time to fill out the form as Durga, told the victim she had to wait more. Authority to take the victim's fingerprints Bio-metric method has been adopted. Which, the victim machine can not read the card payment will be given only to examine lyapce Sushil Authority chief executive committe.

Only two banks showed signs of willingness to come Singati intuitive service could not flow, he added. Other banks also made easier by talking soon, he said. Authority within one week the amount of the victim's agreement to provide policy. However, the banks have not prepared for. Lamidanda, babare and two thousand nine hundred and 70 VDC bigu to open the victim's account of the national commercial bank has received only 10 since the bulk of about 5 to open an account have received. Charikot Bank Branch Chief said Umesh Timilsina.Previously fast account opening measures taken. Alampu, two thousand three hundred and 38 people cilankha and ladukaka Investment Bank has received the responsibility of the account opening. Authority Information Center and Service Center received a grant agreement and on the basis of the recommendation of the district is related to the person account of the deposit law was made.

Starting the second day of the national reconstruction campaign Singati Center 78 bhukampapiditale anudanapatra are understood. The first phase, Gauri Sunday Lamidada 6 and 8 of the earthquake laduka 2 million grant for the house was beginning to work. Only about 1 in a dispute because of Sunday's second day on Monday, 78 of them to take money from the agreement through the agreement have been agreed to.
