Five jewelers, including two Indian nationals, were arrested from the capital on suspicion of their involvement in gold smuggling. The police also seized more than 5 kg gold, 56 kg silver and Rs 47.46 million from them. According to the Metropolitan Police Crime Division, Hanumandhoka, the arrested are Aakash Kumar Bajracharya, 53 from Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City-1, Ramesh Khadka, 38 from Dadhikot-4 of Bhaktapur, Shiva Raj Shrestha , 39 from Hasandah of Morang and Indian nationals Balu Jagannath Dhange , 48, from Sangli of Maharashtra and Naresh Agrawal , 52, from Darjeeling of West Bengal. Acting on a tip off, police had kept a close eye on Bajracharya´s New Road-based United Gold Mart, Khadka´s Bangemudha-based Sangam Jewellers, Dhange´s New Road-based Balaji and Sons and Bauddha-based Maman Sotes for three days from Wednesday.